Crystal Black shrimp are a popular type of bee shrimp that originated in Taiwan, recognised by their black and white stripe bodies. Their bright contrasting colours make them visually pop, especially against the green background of a heavily planted tank.
Crystal Black Shrimp need very specific water parameters and extremely clean water. These shrimp prefer soft, acidic water conditions. Their ideal temperature range is 70°-78° F. Their water should be slightly acidic, with a pH of 6.2-7.2. Ammonia and nitrite levels must be at 0ppm, and nitrate levels as close to 0ppm as possible (no more that 20ppm). There are many products on the market designed to help buffer your water to maintain healthy parameters for your Crystal Black Shrimp. Water should be changed at least 30% each week, and make sure to dechlorinate the water before adding to the aquarium. These shrimp are very sensitive to water changes, so frequent low-volume changes are preferable to infrequent high-volume changes.
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